Either way, the controllers of people always want taxes paid. The alien secret keepers have been taxing us through shady DOD programs and that grift is ending. Whatcha gonna do then for your kicks? Steal more cow blood?

(hivelink)no youtube

If the US Congress successfully exposes all illegal funding of alien or Non Human controlled programs, and cuts off that funding for all such programs, how upset will the beneficiaries of that theft be?

(hivelink)no youtube

Highly likely items that fit the facts and logically connect with our best knowledge about reality, aliens, and ufos.

(hivelink)no youtube

What do I know about aliens, UFOs, and the human coverup that is definite, likely, or speculative possibility that fits the definite and likely facts? We will build three sets of data here.

(hivelink)no youtube

Are you in a universe where the major governments on earth and credible scientists and academics agree that UFOs are really flying around on your planet and have been for at least decades maybe longer?

(hivelink)no youtube

Are you in a world where crazy things are happening that really only happen in science fiction movies?

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Narrative 3: you are a being playing a computer game in which you play a human being on Earth while crazy historical events are happening and which you might affect or observe.


Narrative 2: you are a computer program that thinks it is a human being on Earth.

(hivelink)no youtube

Narrative 1: you are a human being on Earth

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A conscious mind has limited access to any certainty beyond present experience. So we are forced to make do with compelling narratives.

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