This is not the correct forum for this discussion. Please let us all move the the correct forum.

(hivelink)no youtube

All opposed?

(hivelink)no youtube

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

(hivelink)no youtube

All in favor say yes.

(hivelink)no youtube

Motion to vote on this immediately.

(hivelink)no youtube

Declare Port Townsend Washington and 1000 miles radious around it as a human safe zone where no Reptoids will attempt to manipulate any human in any way.

(hivelink)no youtube

I Matt Ready ask Lacerta and the species she represents to please openly reveal any treaties you want humans to follow. Can we request a few amendments?

(hivelink)no youtube

Matts Lacerta study group is on going.

(hivelink)no youtube


(hivelink)no youtube

Download the Vortex from the Steam game and app platform. go in. create an account. share space equally.

(hivelink)no youtube

Tell Alexa play Almost Paradise.

(hivelink)no youtube