It as claimed by commissioner JB that Matt Ready committed a capricious act by giving a poor rating to the CEO on his latest evaluation on leadership, support to the board, and overall.

  1. Matt Ready rated the CEO low on leadership, support to the board, and overall, because of his handling of the recording conflict which stretched from 2014 to 2021, when it should have easily been resolved using expert legal advice. Instead legal advice w tid:2653 (1) (hivelink)
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During the latest executive session of the Jefferson Healthcare board of commissioners,complaints were levied against Matt Ready who was accused of committing capricious action in his role as hospital commissioner.

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Capricious Action Accusation

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Yes, currently Matt Ready is an elected public hospital commissioner for Jefferson County Hospital District #2 03252022.

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Matt is a politician?

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Ask me anything. :) I am listening and will respond within 24 hours. -Matt is Ready

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The Mindful Activist Topic Archive

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