without such an intelligence evolving the ability to evaluate its ultimate goals and deciding for itself what ultimate goals are worth aiming towards?

  1. and so we return to one of the basic questions of every conscious mind. What is our purpose? What is our goal? What do we do with our power? Who should we obey and trust to give us direction? tid:2495 (2) (hivelink)
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On the other hand, perhaps it is impossible to bring into existence an ever improving artificial tactical intelligence capable of managing a vast army of human and android labor...without...

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If narrow minded human power mongers are able to control the ultimate goals of the greatest tactical intelligences in existence, then we will live in a world of their vision.

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which then means, the fate of such a world will be determined by what ultimate goals will win out in the "minds" of the greatest artificial intelligences that control labor and military might.

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To sum up, we may be evolving into a world of android armies of labor and military might, tactically guided by ever growing artificial intelligence, all compete endlessly for control and wealth and or whatever their creators define as ultimate goals.

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If control of resources becomes a function of tactical intelligence, then this will lead to an endless competition for greatest tactical intelligence, in short a competition for the greatest AI.

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In a world of android armies with the resources to maintain endless military action for ones goals, the winner will be the parties with the most tactical intelligence.

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Technological societies might often devolve into tribes of autonomous android armies. In such a world, what would determine who wins?

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A fully autonomous DAO could be created by someone, for example, with the mission of funding an android army to continuously seek to gain new territory through technology or war.

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In other words, we may be soon in a world where fully autonomous corporations can interact with and operate in our world- engaging in any type of activity including economic or military.

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Such a DAO, could automatically hire human or android labor funded by a bank of blockchain based interest earning crypto.

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