Matts questions for you.

  1. What subsection of earth do you call home? tid:2353 (1) (hivelink)
  2. What activities do you enjoy the most? tid:2352 (0) (hivelink)
  3. What living human beings on earth do you trust the most when you are looking for answers? tid:2351 (0) (hivelink)
  4. What is the meaning of life? tid:2350 (0) (hivelink)
  5. What do you think about the Recording Fiasco if you are familiar with that tale? (This is one of Matts longest stories) tid:2349 (0) (hivelink)
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Which is the way?


Ask me anything. :) I am listening and will respond within 24 hours. -Matt is Ready

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The Mindful Activist Topic Archive

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