Meditation and Aliens Ep 8 November 3 2023 - Super AI, Alien AI, AI Agenda, AI Values and Beliefs, Can humans control what AI learns and believes about aliens or anything else. (hivelink)

Tom Delonge Newsweek article - human civilizations may have been wiped out for disobeying aliens. many aliens may be AI clones or biological machines. could disclosure provoke them?

  1. Monsters of California - movie Delonge helped make to help people understand the complexity of the situation with aliens and ufos. Humanity needs to come together stop being divided by assigned beliefs built to divide. tid:4895 (0) (hivelink)
  2. During congressional testimony, navy pilot Ryan Graves very gently suggested we might study WHERE the uaps and UFOs are flying to and from...which would reveal where is their city or mothership on or near earth? Antartica? ocean? Moon? tid:4894 (0) (hivelink)
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